One or Two Bites

By Lori Powell
I am the gatherer…Lori Powell.
I divide my time between New York City and the Hudson Valley in upstate NY, where I reside in a 170-year-old farmhouse complete with 18 heirloom chickens (5 varieties) and my since-passed-on honey bees. Still recovering from the sudden departure of the honey bees (no note, no goodbye) and the bear that enjoyed the final sweet remnants that they left behind.
Oh and 2 foster kitties as well, that I guess can no longer be classified as foster kitties, since they have now been with me for almost 3 years and run the house. Kind of like small dogs since they are big cats, not overweight just big, at a healthy 16 lbs each.
I spend my time as a chef, food editor/stylist for magazines, cookbooks and the web (developing recipes, story/menu concepts, writing recipes, editing, and styling food in front of the camera); tester of kitchen equipment and appliances; caterer; and volunteer chef instructor for Americorps, teaching children food and nutrition.
What all this means is basically I am a gatherer of all information and ideas regarding food and giving them a personal spin. I hope!
I am not a fan of processed foods and even when I have cooked all day on a shoot, I still like to have my own time in the kitchen to create and not write anything down or follow a recipe. If I do not get to cook on a regular basis, watch out. I am like the runner or the tennis player who had not been outside playing in a while…cranky!!
Food and its preparation, every part of it, including the shopping, feeds my soul. My personal motto is “Good Food, Good Life” and is basically what I live by….
I love to feed people, lots of people, and since it is really just myself and another that might be stopping by, it has become a challenge to scale down my shopping, cooking and well, eating, to fit that lifestyle . My mission is to share with you some of my insights into how I make cooking for one or two, on most days, fun, delicious and with a bit of ease.
My simple healthy Spinach Sauté:
Sauté a 5-ounce container of fresh baby spinach in a large skillet over moderately high heat, with 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 finely chopped garlic clove and ¼ teaspoon hot pepper flakes, stirring constantly, until just wilted. Transfer to a serving bowl and drizzle with freshly squeezed Meyer lemon or regular lemon juice and sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Serve topped with shaved Parmesan. Makes about 1 cup of cooked spinach.
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