Nutella Fondue

By Andrew Hunter
For The Family Table, a blog for busy families
Fondue was one of the special dinners I had growing up. I don’t remember what kind of an occasion prompted my folks to pull out the fondue pot, but it was fairly often. The first pot I remember actually used little cans of Sterno to heat the broth.
But then a new avocado green electric version showed up, evidently meaning the Hunter family had “made it!” My mom would heat broth, and sometimes oil, in the pot and surround it with meat and vegetables for cooking. But for truly special occasions, she would make rarebit (melted beer cheese with toasted bread) from her well-loved James Beard cookbook.
Fast forward 30+ years to a new generation and fondue is still fun to eat as a family. It inspired dinner table conversation then and still does today.
This Nutella Fondue recipe can be served warm or cold and is served with fresh and dried fruits. With the holidays quickly approaching, think of it as a simple, make ahead dish for party buffets … good for pot lucks, office parties and fancy affairs at your house.
For those of you wondering what Nutella is (never admit your ignorance in public), it’s heavenly hazelnut chocolate spread.
To get the recipe and shopping list on your smartphone (iPhone, BlackBerry, Android device) or PC, click here.
Nutella Fondue with Strawberries and Dried Pineapple
24 ounces Nutella
1 cup whole milk
1 pound whole strawberries
4 ounces dried pineapple
Set up a double boiler by filling a large pot 1/3 full with water. Turn on the heat to simmer the water. While the water is heating up, find a metal bowl that fits in the pot but doesn’t touch the water.
When the water is simmering, add the Nutella to the bowl and stir frequently with a rubber spatula until the sauce is warm, not hot, and easy to stir. Add about half the milk and stir to incorporate. The sauce will initially “seize up” with the addition of milk, but add little bits at a time until it relaxes and becomes the consistency you want.
Note: If you plan on serving the fondue cold, add extra milk because the fondue will thicken as it cools. All fruit, fresh and dried, are delicious dipped in chocolate, so use your imagination and what’s in season in your market.
Rinse the strawberries (leaving the green “collars” attached) in a bowl of cool water, drain, and pat dry with paper towels. Arrange the strawberries and dried pineapple on a platter and pour the fondue into a bowl for dipping.
Makes 6 to 8 servings
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