Judging the James Beard Cookbook Awards

By Sandy Hu
The latest from Inside Special Fork
I’m cooking up a lot of really delicious food in the Special Fork kitchen these days. But I can’t tell you what I’m making, nor can I share the recipes.
I’m a judge of the James Beard Foundation Book Awards once again this year (my third time; not in consecutive years), and I’m testing recipes from my final book choices.
The photo above shows all the cookbooks I received in my designated category. Since the category is secret, not only have I turned the spines away from you, I’ve had the slivers of color from the book jackets Photoshopped out.
You can see it’s a daunting – though exciting and personally rewarding – task. I’m so busy on the judging, that I am on hiatus from Special Fork this week. Next Monday, I’ll be back with some tips on how to read a recipe to determine if it’s right for you.
In the meantime, back to the stove!
Special Fork is a recipe website for your smartphone and PC that solves the daily dinnertime dilemma: what to cook now! Our bloggers blog Monday through Friday to give you cooking inspiration. Check out our recipe database for quick ideas that take no more than 30 minutes of prep time. Follow us on Facebook , Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.
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Reader Comments (1)
Sandy, that is an amazing amount of books to judge. What a huge task you have. Question: Who is paying for the ingredients when you prepare a dish? Would I be correct in assuming it is the James Beard Foundation?