Very Berry Fruit Salad

By Lori Powell
For One or Two Bites, a blog for singles and couples
While it’s still a bit blustery around here, we have glimmers of warm sun and temperatures. Just this past weekend, I noticed all of the buds struggling to get some attention and warmth.
My hydrangea plants are already budding and my addiction to tulips is unparalleled this year with a plant or vase of them in practically every room. So if spring hasn’t arrived just yet outdoors, at least I’m getting a dose of it indoors.
I can’t wait for the farmers’ market to open in Pennsylvania, with all of the fresh herbs, produce, plants and fruits that will be laden on every farmer’s table. I haven’t had a fruit-full year in terms of eating enough fruit. So in an effort to jump-start my intake, I made a fruit salad this past weekend for company, to round out my brunch of eggs, bacon, and breads.
Of course it’s a bit early for berries but they had such gorgeous organic ones in the market that I couldn’t resist. You can change up the following recipe by using lemon instead of lime, and add grapes, pineapple or whatever fruit you happen to have on hand since any fruit will work with the minty citrus dressing. If you don’t have mint, simply leave it out.
To get the recipe and shopping list on your smartphone (iPhone, BlackBerry, Android device) or PC, click here.
Very Berry Salad
Serves 2; makes about 2½ cups
2 to 3 tablespoons orange juice
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 to 2 tablespoons honey to taste
2 teaspoons chopped fresh mint leaves plus fresh leaves for garnish
1 teaspoon finely grated fresh ginger
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup raspberries
1/2 cup small blackberries
1/2 cup chopped strawberries
1/2 cup chopped kiwi
- Stir together orange juice, lime juice, honey, chopped mint and ginger in a medium bowl. Gently stir in fruit until coated well and let stand at least 15 minutes for flavors to marry. Serve topped with fresh mint leaves.
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