Hallowed be thy Grains

Curses to every germ, every cold-carrying microbe, every virus, bug and bacteria that has plagued us this flu season. The Center for Disease Control says that flu activity in the U.S. usually peaks around February, but can continue to occur as late as May. Well, it’s April 17th and I’m over it. After a brutal span of sick spells, and with the knowledge that what we put into our bodies directly affects our health, I’m on a mission to eat myself well.
As a result, I’ve rediscovered the delights of grain salads. Protein-rich grains make a meaty base for vegetarian salads that, on their own, are satisfying meals. The day I concocted this version, I knew it would become a staple in my diet. Packed with fresh green herbs, dried fruit and nuts, the addictive mixture would call to me even it didn’t get an A+ on the good-for-you test.