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Entries in easy frittata recipe (1)



By Ben Mims
For Cooking Newbie, a blog for beginner cooks

Both at work and every day in my home cooking, I use eggs like they’re going out of style. Soft-boiled, scrambled or baked are my favorite preparations for enjoying the egg in its pure state.

But when it comes to transforming leftovers into a free meal, nothing beats a frittata. You can toss virtually any ingredient into some beaten eggs, and pour it in a hot pan; and then when you pop it in the oven, in the words of Carl Weathers, you got a stew going.

While I often love throwing together a couple random ingredients leftover from the fridge into my frittata, my favorite leftovers are actually herbs that are on the decline. They’re just starting to wilt and you need to use them up quick? Make a simple herb frittata that both highlights the eggs and the random mix of herbs you used. Or just use one herb but toss in enough to really make the flavor punch. Served alongside some spicy salad greens like arugula or watercress, it becomes a light, very Parisian meal that you can enjoy, knowing you didn’t pay the high price for it.

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