Rich Chocolate Cherry Chip Brownies

By Lori Powell
For One or Two Bites, a blog for singles and couples
We are in the first days of spring but winter has not let go… quite yet. Just yesterday, the snow was falling and the roads were slick and I had a hankering for some dark, rich, chocolaty brownies.
It didn’t hurt that I had a huge block of organic 72% cacao dark chocolate from Endangered Species left over from a cooking demo I did for the magazine where I work. That was inspiration enough to get baking.
The resulting brownie is super rich and is studded with dried tart cherries that have been imbibed with a sour cherry cordial liqueur I had purchased in the Hudson Valley. American Fruits Distillery in Warwick, New York, produces a Bartlett pear, blackcurrant, aged apple and a grappa grape brandy, and an apple and pear eau de vie.