Double Dipping

By Lori Powell
Double Dippers are a must-have to beat the heat. I don’t own a pool so for me, “dipper” means dips to have on hand at this time of the year when the days are long and hot, and BBQ smoke is permeating everyone’s backyard.
My go-to dips are freshly made guacamole and salsa. Each time I make them I change it up a bit depending on what I might have on hand and what looks good at the grocery store or farmers’ market.
For the guacamole, seek out avocados that yield slightly to pressure but are not too soft. Simply halve them, remove the pit and with a large spoon, scoop out the flesh into a bowl.
Just recently I discovered another use for my pastry blender that has sharp steel blades. It’s the perfect tool to chop and mash avocados.