Wild Blueberry Season

By Lori Powell
I have the pleasure of staying in Maine for at least a week on the coast every year, usually in August. Wild Maine blueberries, if I am lucky, are still around for me to enjoy for breakfast, a snack, a smoothie or in a dessert. However this year, given how warm it has been, I suspect the height of the season will come too early and I will miss out on one of my favorite foods of summer.
All is not lost, however, as I came across wild blueberries at the Kingston Farmers’ market this past weekend in Upstate New York. If you have never tried these jewels, seek them out at your local farmers’ market since they are sooo different from the regular cultivated kind. In both size (half pint size) and taste (superior). Kind of like little pellets of the best blueberry jam you have ever encountered, but are so naturally sweet and just oh so good! No need for added sugar here.