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Entries in nutrition (2)


Cooking with Kids

By Lori Powell,

Recently, I had the privilege of teaching some children’s cooking classes at my job as Food Director of Prevention magazine. Rodale, the publisher, has a Take your Kids to Work Day, where the kids participate in craft, fitness and food activities for a day. My contribution was, of course, food and it was a home run!

It was a privilege since I felt like I was playing hooky because I was having so much fun teaching these amazing kids. I had four classes of 11 kids ages 6 to 13, back-to-back, teaching them about food styling, creating a better salad and making your own salad dressing with just three ingredients. It was such a joy to see how interested and enthusiastic they were and how smart regarding food and nutrition.

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Think Delicious, Nutritious Summer Salads

By Sandy Hu

With warmer days ahead, it’s time to start thinking salads. Here’s one that’s simply delicious, a perfect melding of sweet, tart and peppery flavors. It’s also highly nutritious, too, with some of nature’s most healthful ingredients: watercress, strawberries and California almonds. And, as an added bonus, this salad takes just 10 minutes to prepare.

If you don’t have a whisk for the Honey-Balsamic Dressing, just combine the dressing ingredients in a screw-top jar and shake it. It won’t incorporate as well as a whisk but the dressing will be just fine for the salad.

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