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Entries in sweet potatoes (5)


You Say Sweet Potato…

By Andrew Hunter
For The Family Table, a blog for busy families

...I say yam! There’s so much confusion about which one is which, I’m not sure anyone truly knows the difference anymore, or that the difference much matters. Part of the confusion is that both tubers come in different shapes, sizes and colors, and often look very similar in their diversity.

So whether I’m right or wrong, the tuber I call a yam is misshaped and gnarly with a dark red skin. I always pick the ones that are about the size of my fist because I think they’re sweeter and less fibrous than their bigger kin.

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Grilled Potato Salad: An Easy and Versatile Summer Side

By Katie Barreira

Potato salad is an iconic summer side dish that rounds out any picnic plate. Whether you crave buttery Yukon Golds coated with creamy mayo or delicate baby reds tossed in a light and tangy vinaigrette, there’s a potato salad for you.

But why boil water for spuds if you’re going to fire up the grill for your main dish? Keep it cool in the kitchen. Just slice potatoes into grill-friendly planks, brush with oil and set directly onto the hot grates next to your burgers, dogs or tofu pups.

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Autumn Sweet Potato Soup

By Andrew Hunter

Sweet potatoes have gone from obscurity to celebrity in the last few years. They now grace plates in every menu category, especially side dishes, of restaurants from fast food to fine dining. I’m not a nutritionist, but a simple review of their nutritional label shows some real benefits to these orange-fleshed tubers. They weigh in with fewer calories and carbs than russets and they contain more than 700% of your Vitamin A for the day…no kidding.

As a parent, sweet potatoes are the kind of veggie you hope your kids will like. Heck, I’ll even let the boys eat sweet potato fries if it makes them happy. But as summer fades into fall, and I start thinking about the chilly weather, turning leaves and woolen sweaters of my Michigan childhood, I automatically think of soup.

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Don’t be Foiled

By Katie Barreira

I remember a drawer in my nana’s kitchen that was dedicated entirely to neatly folded squares of used tinfoil. Although we find ourselves in the midst of a recession, I won’t push this sort of Depression era scrapping. Instead, here are three great ways to use aluminum foil that will save you loads of time and frustration.

Don’t be…
Foiled by Parchment Paper

Cooking en papillote refers to food that is baked in a neat envelope of parchment paper, which puffs full of steam for gentle cooking and a dramatic presentation when the paper is slit open at the table and the eater is enveloped by the aromatic steam.

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Take a Vacation to the Caribbean from your Kitchen

By David Hu

Who doesn’t like steak and potatoes? Instead of the traditional steakhouse combo, marinate your steak in citrus juices and accompany with sweet potatoes mashed with OJ.

This meal will transport you to the sunny Caribbean, no matter what the weather is like outside your door. It’s really easy to make and marinating tenderizes and infuses the flank steak with flavor. Be careful not to overcook.

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