How to Warm Tortillas

By Jess Ziman
How do you heat your tortillas? They can be soft and slightly warmed, or toasted for a smoky taste. Whether you are making gourmet tacos for a boozy night with your buddies or trying to repurpose some leftovers for a quick dinner with the family, these techniques will help you get the job done.
Once you learn this simple technique, try my recipe for Tilapia Tacos with Peach, Corn and Black Bean Salsa before all the summer produce disappear.
Jess Ziman, is an avowed foodie with a fierce passion for international cuisines. Originally from the United Kingdom, she grew up in Southern California where she also learned to appreciate the ease and freshness inherent in California cooking. A culinary student at the Art Institute in San Francisco, Jess, 21, is busy with school and internships. She often comes home to feed her nine hungry roommates; it has made her a pro at whipping up quick, tasty meals on a budget.
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