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Entries by Special Fork Guest (48)


Garlic: Our Frustrating Old Friend

By Craig Deppe

As ubiquitous as onions in savory foods, garlic is much loved for its flavor but perhaps not as much for its ease of preparation. This pungent relative of the lily comes wrapped in messy “parchment” that has to be removed from the head only to reveal another layer tightly clinging to each clove. Once this inner layer is pried from the prize there still remains the task of preparing it so that it lends its wonderful qualities most effectively.

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Easy onion prep tips

By Craig Deppe

There is, arguably, no more ubiquitous or frustrating ingredient in all of savory cuisine than the onion. (We must not forget garlic, but that is a story for another day.)

Every cook knows that the never-ending demand for onions can bring one to tears…Yes, I said it.

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Basic Knife Skills Mom Never Taught You

By Craig Deppe

We've all been wowed and amazed by the lightning-fast blur of a master chef’s knife as they deftly dispatch a defenseless mushroom or innocent onion.

There's no doubt we all would love to have such talent but the truth is, the home cook simply needs to know a few basics to make life easier at the cutting board.

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