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Entries in End of summer (3)


A Farewell Toast to Summer

By Katie Barreira

On Saturday, September 22nd, at 10:49 a.m. we officially bid adieu to summer. For me, the autumnal equinox is cause for celebration – the inauguration of my favorite season. The cozy juxtaposition of brilliant sunlight and crisp air, sweet with the smell of changing leaves, makes ideal weather for tramping out into orchard or staying snug under the covers with the windows open wide.

Anticipating the welcome shift I went so far as to set a “Happy Autumn” alarm. With that, a toast seemed in order and what better way to salute the season past than with a sip of what was this summer’s favored cocktail?

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Too Many Tomatoes (and Other Produce)

By Sandy Hu

The start and end of a season always brings out the greed in me. At the start of the season, I overbuy produce because I’m so happy to see all the new offerings. At the end of the season, I tend to buy more than I need because I know that what’s in the market today will be gone tomorrow.

So it was in this state of mind that Steve and I bought too much of everything at the Alemany Farmers’ Market last week – figs, white nectarines, tomatoes, basil and more.

I always inventory everything before I put my produce away. I hate waste and I feel I can manage my inventory better if I make a list. But having overbought, I was beginning to lose control and it was time for triage.

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Thinking Pumpkins; Anticipating Fall

By Lori Powell

I have never had a pumpkin patch...until now. When I moved into my rental house, there was a raised bed with rotting pumpkins.

Agreed, it was not so pretty, but thought, wow! How cool would it be to have pumpkins? Well, those pumpkins became compost over the winter and their seeds produced offspring.

First there was a small green one, which is becoming rather large. And then a small orange one popped up, and now a white mini pumpkin. They are literally taking over the garden so I had to take out a couple of plants and steer the vines to the outside of the box to protect the rest of the herbs and tomato plants that were about to be overcome by the big beauties!

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