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Entries by Special Fork Guest (48)


How to Make Croutons

By Zoe McLaughlin

Have day-old bread and don’t know what to do with it? This recipe shows you how easy it is to make homemade croutons. Croutons only take a few minutes to make and can be used for a variety of dishes. The most classic is for Caesar Salad but croutons are a great addition to many soups, as well as tossed greens.

Depending on how you plan to use the croutons, cut them to the size you need. Small croutons are great on soups such as gazpacho, a cold refreshing summer soup. They add a nice, crunchy texture.

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Couscous with Mint Pesto

By Jess Ziman

Pasta with pesto has always been one of my staple comfort foods but it can get a little repetitive when it’s your go-to meal.

To change it up, I like to substitute couscous for the pasta. Couscous is also a wheat grain but the texture and flavor are very different from pasta. While bland on its own, couscous absorbs flavors much better than pasta.

Couscous is also quicker cooking and requires no draining. You simply pour boiling water over the couscous, bring it to a simmer, turn off the heat and let it sit for 5 minutes.

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Poached Shrimp with Aioli

By Jennifer Knapp

As a caterer, I’m often asked to prepare shrimp for my clients. It’s always one of the most popular items on the menu, and most guests gravitate towards the shrimp on the buffet table or as a passed appetizer. Kids and adults seem to love it equally. Versatile and fast-cooking, shrimp is delicious on its own or served with any number of sauces. It can be prepared in several ways such as sautéing, broiling, grilling and poaching.

Poaching is one of the easiest ways to prepare shrimp and it requires no added fat. Poaching is also a great cooking technique because it results in a nice, moist texture.

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Panzanella, a Salad to Celebrate Summer

By Zoe McLaughlin

This rustic, Tuscan bread salad is everything I love about summer. It takes advantage of all the garden-fresh vegetables the season has to offer to make a summer salad that is just as visually pleasing as it is delicious.

Panzanella is very easy to make and great to take on picnics or to the beach. It also makes a lovely main dish for casual dining among friends.

Big chunks of toasty croutons are a signature ingredient of panzanella. It’s a great way to use leftover bread. Don’t use bread that’s more than two days old because as the bread dries up, it will become very difficult to cut.

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How to Beat Egg Whites

By Colleen Boyd

Whipped egg whites have numerous applications. Some of the more common uses are to lighten cake batters, bake airy meringue cookies and to top pies.

But it can be intimidating when a recipe calls for whipped egg whites. You might find yourself asking one or all of these questions: Why do some recipes call for soft peaks and other for stiff peaks? When should I add the sugar? Can you over-beat egg whites?

Well don't worry, with a little inside information, the help of a few simple tricks and this video demo, you too can master this versatile technique!

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